About CTG

科罗拉多州没有其他组织为戏剧公司提供帮助, small and large, in cultivating and sustaining audience membership and promoting new and emerging artists.


The Colorado Theatre Guild (CTG) serves the theatre industry in Colorado through connection, celebration, advocacy, and education.


We envision an equitable, just, accessible, diverse, and inclusive Colorado theatre community that leads the nation through advocacy, collaboration, innovation, and celebrating the power of authentic experiences through the theatre arts.

Inclusiveness – where the full range of theatres, artists and patrons have a place at the table.
Diversity – where everyone is welcome and belongs in the Colorado theatre community.
Community -顾客之间的纽带, 制作人和艺术家被认为是相互依赖的, generative and supportive.
Collaboration – where a vibrant community is maintained through continual partnership, interaction, flow of ideas and resources, and work together.
Celebration – where the achievements, contributions, and friendships of members of the community are highlighted and appreciated.
Excellence -在这里,人们渴望高质量的戏剧,并赋予其力量和认可.
Artistry – where unique expression, imagination and ability are supported and promoted.
Progressiveness ——这里关注着现场戏剧的未来.
Professionalism – where we operate as an organization with integrity and accountability.

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Founded in 1979 as the “Colorado Theatre Producers Guild” by Henry Lowenstein, Ed Baierlein, Al Brooks and Maxine Munt, 该组织最初是为了将科罗拉多州的现场戏剧制作人聚集在一起交流和共享信息而创建的. In 1999, 一个新的商业名称被采用(网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐), and broadened the scope of its membership to include both theatre production companies and individuals. That year, CTG发展到超过80个成员, new committees were formed, and the organization began to develop a broad palette of new programming to serve the growing community. In 2001, the CTG received preliminary approval for 501(c)(3) status (with final approval confirmed in early 2006). In 2003, CTG推出了一个网站,成为连接和加强科罗拉多州所有剧院的综合资源和交流工具. 2003年也是CTG与丹佛中心剧院公司合作的第一年,允许地区制片人和导演参加丹佛中心的年度非股权试镜. In June of 2006, CTG produced the first annual in-person “Henry Awards” at the Denver Civic Theatre. 以科罗拉多州传奇戏剧制作人亨利·洛温斯坦的名字命名, 亨利家的人对集体工作的成就表示敬意, acting, directing, design, Best Production, and Best Season. In 2008, 网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐是由演员权益协会共同赞助的, 工会代表超过48个,000名演员和舞台管理人员在美国. In 2010, 网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐在丹佛中心剧院公司位于丹佛市中心的表演艺术中心的“空间”剧院举行. The CTG held its first virtual Henry Awards in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, CTG继续支持戏剧社区的成员,并为公众提供与全州现场戏剧有关的信息和机会. CTG membership includes individuals and theatre organizational members. Member organizations range from theatre companies with extensive programming offerings, such as the Denver Center, 全州的小型社区戏剧团体. 除了管理和制作网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐, CTG每月提供一份电子通讯, 通过网站分享戏剧活动, 提供虚拟和面对面的研讨会/小组讨论关注的主题,科罗拉多剧院社区, and working on creating more collaborative opportunities for Colorado theatre makers of all ages.




作为科罗拉多州戏剧艺术的主要倡导者, 科罗拉多州戏剧协会董事会希望其成员支持他们认为将加强他们在该领域利用变革的集体能力的倡议. 为了在这个关键时刻激发这些努力, 他们提供了许多“号召行动”请求中的第一个.

CTG敦促所有CTG成员和科罗拉多州戏剧社区的所有成员支持CTG董事会批准美国艺术协会最近的全面努力,为受COVID-19影响的艺术和艺术家提供大量政府援助. 如果你只需要知道这些 CLICK HERE,阅读并支持该建议.

The proposal was created and compiled by the leading arts advocacy organization in the U.S., Americans for the Arts. It offers a comprehensive statement of support for the devastated arts sector, 以及下一届政府的15项具体行动,以协助创意人员并利用他们的独特技能. 超过725个组织和个人支持该提案.

CTG supports these efforts to strengthen, relieve and empower the creative sector.


DENVER, September 14, 2020年——在周六的月度董事会上, September 12, 2020, 科罗拉多州戏剧协会(CTG)董事会一致选举贝蒂·哈特为新的CTG董事会主席. Ms. Hart自2017年以来一直担任CTG董事会成员,并在过去三年中与罗伯特·迈克尔·桑德斯(Robert Michael Sanders)共同导演和制作了网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐(庆祝科罗拉多州戏剧卓越的年度颁奖典礼),包括共同导演最近在7月举行的虚拟奖.

Upon her election, Ms. Hart stated, “I am thrilled to become the next Board President of the Colorado Theatre Guild. 这是我们戏剧界的艰难时期, 我们计划通过为科罗拉多州所有剧院提供更多服务(促进科罗拉多州剧院标准)来增加我们在科罗拉多州剧院领域的影响力, 帮助拯救我们的历史舞台, 为我们的社区提供更多的服务). 我们在这里是为了积极帮助支持戏剧界, 我期待着听到其他董事会成员和科罗拉多州戏剧界关于如何最好地做到这一点的想法.”

Ms. 哈特于2013年从亚特兰大搬到丹佛. 她曾与各种各样的剧院组织合作,对我们州整个剧院社区的价值有着独特的看法. Her mission and goal is to help create more opportunities for necessary conversations. 这些对话可以围绕我们作为个体是谁展开, 作为一个戏剧社区,我们希望成为什么样的人, or how we can change long standing behaviors to become more than we ever imagined. 通过表演,指导和促进,Ms. Hart strives to be a change agent and a force for positivity, creativity, and collaboration.

Ms. Hart’s extensive theatre credits include directing, acting, and producing. Recent directing credits include The Scottsboro Boys for Vintage Theatre , 戴着兜帽:或者在奥罗拉福克斯艺术中心扮黑人做假人, and Crowns at Vintage Theatre. 演员权益协会会员, 她最近的演员包括卡洛琳, 或者在奥罗拉福克斯艺术中心换车, 巴纳姆在科罗拉多斯普林斯美术中心, 最后一棵苹果树,为《js娱乐场推荐网站》、《js娱乐场推荐网站》和《js娱乐场推荐网站》献上. Ms. 哈特在阿尔瓦达中心凭借《js娱乐场推荐网站》中的Camae获得了最佳女主角提名,并于2018年12月获得了真正的西部奖.

Her most recent producing efforts were for the “Amplify” series for the Arvada Center. 这个系列为黑人艺术家提供了一个分享他们的艺术形式的平台,并就乔治·弗洛伊德和美国无数其他黑人被谋杀后发生的事情发表自己的看法.

Ms. Hart也是Kaiser Permanente艺术综合资源(AIR)团队的全职协调员,作为创建者和提供各种主题的研讨会,如笑声健康(笑声制药)。, care equity, 偏见和热情好客(关爱公平项目), culture (Culture Matters), and more.

Ms. 哈特接替里斯·利文斯通, 著名的戏剧和电影导演, producer, writer and educator. Mr. Livingstone于2014年加入董事会,于2018年至2020年担任CTG董事会总裁两年. Among his accomplishments, 他主持了网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐评审制度的全面改革和CTG网站的重大升级. Mr. 利文斯通将继续在CTG董事会任职. CTG对奥巴马先生表示感谢. 感谢利文斯通的杰出贡献.

其他CTG董事会成员包括T. David Rutherford as Vice President, Lia Kozatch as Treasurer and Iliana Lucero Barron as Secretary.

前总裁和长期董事会成员Steve Wilson评论道, “Our theatre community here and across the globe has been deeply affected by COVID-19. CTG has been working hard to adapt and change to an extraordinary set of new realities. In these times of great uncertainty and upheaval in our field, extraordinary leaders come forward. 贝蒂·哈特就是这样一位领导者——充满活力、创新精神和魅力. We are beyond delighted that she will lead the Board of Directors through this next phase. 任何见过贝蒂的人都知道她有一种自然的力量, 我们已经准备好迎接一个新的增长时代, change and expansion. We could not be more excited.”

The Colorado Theatre Guild (CTG) is the primary organization in Colorado serving live theatre makers. CTG通过在戏剧社区内建立联系并提供教育方面的支持计划和服务,鼓励科罗拉多州现场戏剧的发展和卓越, 向顾客宣传和推广, producers and artists. 我们的愿景是在科罗拉多州建立一个繁荣的现场戏剧社区, where artists, 剧院和赞助人被赋予了相互联系的权力, share resources, 创造并受益于增加的机会, 支持彼此的成功和努力.

PDF Attachment


Betty Hart New Board President. About CTG. News and Media toggle. Studio 144.


The Colorado Theatre Guild is unequivocally outraged that state-sanctioned violence, oppression, 针对黑人的创伤还在继续,并没有停止. This cannot continue. The murders of De’Von Bailey, Elijah McClain, Sandra Bland, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony McDade, Rayshard Brooks, David McAtee, and countless others are the result of deeply systemic racist beliefs and actions in this country.


国家批准的针对BIPOC的有针对性的暴力行为, Indigenous, People of Color) LGBTQIA+, 以及其他在科罗拉多州和美国各地受到积极压迫的社区成员, must stop. 我们网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐将尽自己的一份力量,消除已经发生的系统性种族主义和压迫, and continues to happen, in the theatre industry through our work as an arts service organization.

我们相信,杰出的戏剧能传递包容的信息. 在这段严重的创伤时期, 我们必须在观众面前树立一面镜子, as well as ourselves, in hopes that we might better understand each other and empathize with our common humanity. Human life is at stake, and we can no longer sit idly by and ignore the suffering of our fellow people.

As board members of the Colorado Theatre Guild, we will hold ourselves and each other accountable. Clearly the CTG has work to do in realizing our own biases and eliminating any type of privilege, racist trauma or inequities. 我们的工作可以从修改我们的使命宣言开始, making changes to all of our programming (including the Henry judging process), 改变我们对会员的服务方式. 我们将通过与科罗拉多州剧院社区分享反种族主义做法,并帮助我们社区中那些沉默的人,来加强社区问责制. We know of your suffering, we stand with you, and we will no longer be complacent.

Black Lives Matter
Black Artisans Matter
Black Art Matters


Betty Hart CTG Board President Betty Hart President
Lia Kozatch Vice President. About CTG Lia Kozatch (Lia, they, she) Vice President
Caden Pazo CTG董事会

Caden Pazo Secretary

Brian Miller Treasurer

Brian Miller Treasurer

Members at large:

Steve Wilson. About CTG. Board of Directors toggle. Studio 144. Steve Wilson
T. David Rutherford. About CTG. Board of Directors toggle. Studio 144.

T. David Rutherford

Abner Genece. About CTG. Board of Directors toggle. Studio 144.

Abner Genece

Scott Levy. About CTG. Board of Directors toggle. Studio 144.

Scott RC Levy

Iliana Lucero Barron
Danielle Johnson
Jalyn Webb
李·安·谢龙科罗拉多州戏剧协会会员 Lee Ann Scherlong
Barbara Thomas. About CTG. CTG Staff toggle. Studio 144.

Barbara Thomas – Henry Awards Coordinator

Shannon Gross – Webmaster

Individual Members:

  • Knowledge that you are supporting the only organization dedicated to the theatre community in Colorado.
  • 为科罗拉多州的艺术宣传做出贡献
  • Free or discounted admission to CTG Events such as classes, workshops and the Henry Awards
  • 您剧院的演出将免费发布在我们的活动日历上
  • 参加课程和工作坊 (最近的主题包括“动荡时期的自我护理”), “Puppetry Onstage”, “Auditioning” and more)
  • 申请统一海选名额
  • 对网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐的考虑
  • Access to the Talent Directory
  • Help to keep the website updated with auditions and info on shows around the state
  • Receive monthly newsletters
  • 与其他热爱戏剧的人交流
  •  成员投票和发言权成员在CTG治理方面拥有发言权和投票权,包括选举董事会成员和更新组织章程.

Organizational Members:

  • 您剧院的演出将免费发布在我们的活动日历上
  • 考虑到网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐-只有CTG成员剧院公司有资格参加网络线上娱乐网站平台推荐的过程,庆祝整个科罗拉多州的剧院
  • A Network of Companies–Connection to the network of theatre organizations in Colorado. Professional development opportunities for staff through information, advocacy, CTG工作坊及其他由CTG推广的机会. Providing greater access to the people and companies that are making theatre in Colorado.
  • 统一试镜——通过将演员和其他戏剧艺术家聚集在一起,扩大你的选角池,他们正在寻求在全州范围内扩大他们的表演机会.


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